I was having issues maintaining healthy boundaries with my fiancé. I love her a lot but regularly found myself spending more time with her than was healthy for me given my other responsibilities and the amount of workload I have with my day job. When it was time for me to go, so that I could have enough time to get my work done, I always felt persuaded to stay when she asked me to versus realise how much work I had to get done the same night and say I need to leave and then go. The crazy part was with the time I was with her when I should have been working, I wasn’t even present as I was just thinking about how much work I had to get done when I got back! Eventually, this guilt and distraction just built up to a point where I knew I had to leave and I would then rush home and often get work completed later than was needed resulting in a negative impact on my career life. This was a cycle that just kept repeating and getting worse.
After this had gone on for far too long I approached Umar for help in somehow helping me to leave on time when I knew I should versus later on when I regretted it. I didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to make my fiancé feel bad but I also had to get my work done too! After doing some work with me on this I felt confident about leaving when I needed to. We also discussed other scenarios where I would feel persuaded to stay when I shouldn’t and generated alternative strategies to manage those situations in a way that was also respectful and honoured my relationship with my partner.
After this the next time I knew it was time to go and do work I found myself able to confidently share with my fiancé that I did in fact need to go and managed to do it in a way that actually supported our relationship, without any resentment or fights. As a result my relationship with my now wife is actually stronger than before and more balanced now I can be more assertive in my communication. My wife is happy and so am I!
I would highly recommend working with Umar if you’re facing similar challenges in your life as he really knows how to help you!
- L.I. Artist. The UK.