“Since working with Umar, I have got over 1.2k subscribers to my YouTube channel in under 12 months. I have streamlined my offering and now understand what products bring in 95% of my profit.”
Jacina Coyne MBA, 44, Acupuncturist, London, UK
“Before engaging Umar to develop my marketing strategy, I had many expensive offers to develop just one aspect of my business. Umar offered a much more well-rounded approach to my health & wellbeing business. We both had overcome health issues and his first-hand understanding of how mind and body impact our health made me trust him. Unlike other people who I felt were trying to grab money I trusted that Umar had a genuine interest and could add immense value.
During every session that I have had with Umar he has structured my processes, made numerous constructive suggestions for ways to improve treatment or broaden my revenue streams, and helped me positively address challenges.
I feel that he is unique in being able to guide me as there isn’t one area of my business that I wouldn’t trust his advice.
He is a mindset genius: he has helped me focus on turning around adverse situations to make them wins for my business. He has helped me develop personally and that has translated into my business. Because of his educational background, I find that he employs a beginner’s mind to research and understand challenges, coming up with sophisticated cutting-edge research, he is then able to break it down and make it usable and granular.
I really enjoy and get so much out of every session with Umar. Since working with Umar, I have got over 1.2k subscribers to my YouTube channel in under 12 months. I have streamlined my offering and now understand what products bring in 95% of my profit.”
- Jacina Coyne MBA, 44, Acupuncturist, London, UK.
“Since our session I implemented the plan and have seen significant improvements in terms of how I approach and work my business.”
Duncan Stafford, 50, Photographer, Sheffield, UK
“Umar provided me with business coaching and NLP change work to help make improvements to my photography business. The coaching sessions of particularly valuable as they helped me construct a strategic development plan with objectives and goals derived from my highest values. Since our session I implemented the plan and have seen significant improvements in terms of how I approach and work my business. I also found the NLP change work valuable as it helped me change my belief systems resulting in positive tangible results to my regular photography practice. Umar is a highly engaging individual who makes you feel at ease whilst at the same time asking deep probing questions. He is 100% committed to his work and I believe that he derives his satisfaction in life from seeing others flourish from his endeavours. “ - Duncan Stafford, 50, Photographer.
“Highly recommend. Helped me clarify high level thinking regarding trust metrics in my company Sqale.”
David Pinto, 50, Entrepreneur, Sqale, London, UK
“Highly recommend. Umar helped me clarify high level thinking regarding trust metrics in my company Sqale. I also had trouble explaining the process behind our web app, Sqale. After engaging Umar, we created an explanation and developed a programme of implementation. Umar listened carefully, jolted my thinking processes which helped me derive a 360 explanation I use everywhere. Umar approaches things in a different way, acutely aware of ensuring my explanation remains integrated to my values, and over a few sessions he helped create a programme of delivery. He is fresh, responsive, attentive and creative in his engagement, and in all the sessions we had, I did not doubt his intention which was to help improve my attitude, cognition, and actionable results at every moment. I now have a neat explanation, and alternative ways of explaining what Sqale does. I'd recommend Umar to anyone who needs to see things differently, especially hard to grasp concepts, since he helps you see things in a different way. Always a pleasure. Umar is an autodidact, he's pulled his understanding together on his own, not only through extensive reading across diverse subjects, which is at least entertaining and nearly always instructional, but also through experiential learning in the field with such a diverse range as small children to executives. If you don't experience benefit within three sessions, I'll cover the cost!”- David Pinto, 50, Founder, Sqale.
“He helped us create clarity in what we wanted and supported us each step of the way. His mind is a treasure trove! I fully recommend working with him as we got out more than what we expected.”
Angga Kara, 33, Executive Coach, Sheffield, UK
“Umar brought in learning and concepts that helped enhance the experience of participants of Men up North. He helped us create clarity in what we wanted and supported us each step of the way. His mind is a treasure trove! I fully recommend working with him as we got out more than what we expected.” - Angga Kara, 33, Executive Coach.
“Thanks to his coaching I have managed to attract more clients to my tutoring business, find myself a nutritionist for my fitness journey and become more focused on my goals while managing a busy and demanding role as a secondary school teacher.”
Roi Campbell QTS BSc (Hons), English Teacher
“I spoke to Umar about my rising feelings of overwhelm and anxiety when I thought about my career and future prospects. Umar helped me find clarity and direction by encouraging me to unpack my dominant thought processes and deep-rooted beliefs. With his practical, insightful, no-nonsense approach to coaching, I was able to switch my perspective and find solutions in the most unlikely places. I was most impressed with Umar’s wealth of knowledge and his mastery of high-level NLP techniques, allowing him to guide me to a favourable outcome with ease. Thanks to his coaching I have managed to attract more clients to my tutoring business, find myself a nutritionist for my fitness journey and become more focused on my goals while managing a busy and demanding role as a secondary school teacher.” - Roi Campbell QTS BSc (Hons), English Teacher.
“Umar helped me to organise my thoughts in a way that works for me and for that I am very grateful. I have taken away a huge range of strategies that I can now utilise in the future which help me to structure the wildness of my creative thoughts in a way that serves me and my business.”
Jumi Awomosu, Creative Entrepreneur, London, UK
“For over two years I had an issue with procrastination in certain areas of my life. Before I started working with Umar I had almost given up on the idea of writing my book. Now, I no longer have this issue. For months at a time, I had periods that were so full of frustration and overwhelm that I felt like I could not access certain parts of my brain!
As I tried to work on writing my book I felt feelings of doubt each time about whether or not I was making the right decision, whether I should start, whether or not I was writing the right book, whether or not I should even be writing a book, perhaps it should be an online course instead, or maybe I should be offering a coaching programme or a group coaching programme or even be making videos to teach what I know. It was exhausting! So many things, so may ideas, floating around in my head. Simply too much for one person to think about!
I first started working with Umar upon a recommendation from my sister. initially, I doubted Umar’s methods would work as I would consider myself to be a person who can at times a have a somewhat stubborn mind. But throughout the process I was able to discover more about myself and some of the parts of myself that were holding me back.
The unique processes and methods Umar use to help you discover more about yourself are very interesting and they teach you about yourself and the way your mind works.
Moving forward to the present. I have now developed the initial skeleton for the book I am writing. It’s not finished yet but I am so proud that I was able to start. I have finally achieved something that I never thought I could. As a highly creative mind, creating structure and order is something that doesn’t come naturally to me. Umar helped me to organise my thoughts in a way that works for me and for that I am very grateful. I have taken away a huge range of strategies that I can now utilise in the future which help me to structure the wildness of my creative thoughts in a way that serves me and my business.
I am now confident that I can indeed write my book and that I could even do some of the other things on my list because I now have a system in my mind that works! I would highly recommend Umar to anyone with personal blockages located somewhere in the subconscious mind. It’s always worth discovering more about what is holding you back because if you do not know it then you cannot solve it!”
- Jumi Awomosu, Creative Entrepreneur, London, UK.
“Since working with Umar, I’ve dispelled a whole range of limiting beliefs, sold more work, had my best financial month and started to enjoy the business side much more. “
Teresa Allen, 36, Artist, Buckinghamshire, UK
“During my first year of self-employment, I had various financial and business-related ‘blocks’. Since working with Umar, I’ve dispelled a whole range of limiting beliefs, sold more work, had my best financial month, and started to enjoy the business side much more.
Before working with Umar, I had a number of negative thought patterns (some I was aware of, some not) that were holding me back and I knew that talking them through would acknowledge and identify them so that I could take steps to change them and make progress in my life and business.
Now, since working with him, I no longer see strong negative beliefs in the same way because I’ve replaced the way I see things and think. This has resulted in tangible improvements to my thinking about money and my approach to my business overall.
I love how easy it is to speak to Umar and how he was able to prompt me to reveal thoughts/beliefs that I didn’t even realise I had. Being able to address these has been a wonderful relief as it has created exciting new outcomes. Week by week, I’ve noticed the blocks and limiting beliefs disappearing as I begin to see things from a different perspective.
I would absolutely recommend Umar to anyone wanting help removing limiting beliefs & emotions around money and their business. It’s so important to talk things through, firstly to recognise patterns in yourself and secondly for Umar to pick apart what is holding you back that you don’t realise is doing so.
I’m really excited to move forward with a new perspective. He helped me and he can help you too!”
- Teresa Allen, 35, Artist, Buckinghamshire, UK.
“For 2 years I had a fear my start-up venture wouldn’t grow on schedule and I'd struggle financially. After one session with Umar, I replaced the fear with optimism and trust which helped me stay focused; he helped me get my productivity back.”
- A.B. Founder. London. UK.
“For 2 years I had a fear my start-up venture wouldn’t grow on schedule and I'd struggle financially. After one session with Umar, I replaced the fear with optimism and trust which helped me stay focused; he helped me get my productivity back.
Before working with Umar my fear was causing a lot of time and energy wasting. This resulted in a lack of focus and also sadness because I was worried I might fail and struggle financially. I didn’t have any hesitation working with him because he had helped me in the past to overcome other challenges in the past. I went ahead with assurance that I would get the results I wanted and needed.
What makes Umar different from other coaches is that he doesn’t impose solutions or recommendations but elegantly and effectively guides you to find the right answers and solutions to your problem. Your sessions with him are both interesting and exciting. You also receive additional benefits outside the scope of the problem being addressed that helps you with your overall personal development. Whether the problem is solved in one session or more, every session is truly valuable!
As soon as I realised the change I wanted had occurred it was a moment of both clarity and satisfaction like when everything suddenly makes sense. It’s a blessing. His ability to show you multiple perspectives on a problem is extremely valuable. The guy is so knowledgeable that by the end of the session you feel like you’ve had a four-course meal on personal development.
After working with him I had replaced the limiting belief which caused the fear with an empowering one. This resulted in my having a more positive approach to life and my business. The fear I previously felt was replaced with a feeling of confidence and optimism. The impact on my life afterwards was my feeling more confident, happier in myself and also more productive as a result.
I have no hesitation recommending Umar to anyone wanting help to change limiting beliefs or whatever topic you need help with because of the impact and benefits I know you will gain from working with him.”
- A.B. Founder. London. The UK.
“I was procrastinating on setting up my own Psychotherapy Practice. After working with Umar this problem is now gone and I will be launching my practice in the following month.”
Dolores F. C. 50. Psychotherapist. Manchester. UK.
“I was procrastinating on setting up my own Psychotherapy Practice. After working with Umar this problem is now gone and I will be launching my practice in the following month.
Before working with Umar, I think I have been a procrastinator for as long as I can remember and while I have always managed to meet deadlines at work and university, I have not always achieved personal goals because of it. This saddened me on several occasions. Two years ago, I was considering opening my own business and I started preparing myself by reading a lot and researching though by the end of last year I had still not started setting anything up. I knew I was procrastinating again, but this time, I wanted to overcome the problem. I had a goal I wanted to achieve and felt frustrated I could not get over it by myself. This goal was very important to me and was affecting my self-confidence and my ability to achieve it. I had done the preparation and just needed to get the ball rolling!
I had actually hesitated to get help for a long time because I always thought I could sort out my long-standing problem with procrastination by myself but it never happened. Finally, I had to admit to myself that I needed someone to help me to get out of my rut! I had goals in my life that I wanted to achieve and I didn’t like the feeling that I was letting time pass by without doing anything to achieve them. When I spoke to Umar, he took the time to explain to me how he works. Being a Psychotherapist myself, I became very interested in his approach and I decided to try it and it worked!
During the session, Umar explained to me how he works and he made me feel at ease throughout it. Talking about a personal problem can be daunting, especially if the problem makes us feel bad about ourselves but Umar made me feel comfortable talking about it and guided me through this process of change until my problem was gone. I also noticed how I was beginning to distance myself from my original problem and beginning to adopt a different frame of mind and perspective about how I tend to do things as well as when I choose not to! Umar pointed me in this direction and showed me how to be kinder to myself in my self-talk too. These two aspects enabled me to move on and work on what is my goal. As a result of working with Umar, I am now setting up my own business and no longer leave the difficult tasks for later any more. I deal with things as they come, and it makes me feel better about myself and more confident in my abilities.
Thanks to Umar I managed to achieve a long-wanted goal and become a better version of myself and the procrastination is long gone. I cannot recommend Umar enough. Umar is an excellent listener, compassionate, caring and competent coach.”
- Dolores F. C. 50. Psychotherapist. Manchester. UK.
‘I have been putting off writing a business plan for over 6 months. After working with Umar, I now have clarity on what I need to do to get it completed and I have consistently worked on it for 1 hour per day for over a month now.’
A.L.. 38. Entrepreneur. Rotherham. The UK.
‘I have been putting off writing a business plan for over 6 months. After working with Umar, I now have clarity on what I need to do to get it completed and I have consistently worked on it for 1 hour per day for over a month now. This means I am now well on my way to completing the business plan which feels fantastic.
Before working with Umar, it felt impossible to find the time with all my current commitments and life always seemed to get in the way. Umar has helped me build strategies for structuring my evenings and early mornings so that I can make space for the 1 hour per day regardless of the different scenarios each day brings.
The sessions with Umar helped me discover a number of things about myself that were previously barriers to completing larger more complex tasks. Umar seems to have a sixth sense for finding his way to the root cause of issues and has been very patient in listening to my situation in order to diagnose where I can make changes.
Umar has the ability to put you at ease and help you see things very clearly. As well as removing barriers to success, his wealth of knowledge on wider health and personal development topics is very impressive and has contributed to really powerful and effective strategies for me
The impact of the work I have done with Umar is starting to spread to other areas of my life too. I have started to get a grip on other projects at work and home that I have struggled to get off the ground. So, I certainly would not hesitate to recommend working with Umar to try and resolve any issues you may be facing!’
- A.L.. 38. Entrepreneur. Rotherham. The UK.