“After working with Umar, I have lost 6 kilograms, and I have been able to consistently eat food that is best for my health and well-being.”
Melvin Joy. Marketing Executive. Derby. The UK.
“I was having difficulty eating healthy food and losing weight for as long as I can remember. After working with Umar, I have lost 6 kilograms, and I have been able to consistently eat food that is best for my health and well-being.
Before coming to Umar, I would regularly go to fast food restaurants to relieve the stress and anxiety I was faced with. I would eat lots of ice cream, pizza, chocolate, and chips, mostly. I tried to force myself to quit these with sheer willpower, but, in the end, I ended up going back to my old routines. After trying everything, I was losing hope until I remembered the great success I had with working with Umar previously. I reached out to him, and he assured me that this was a problem that very much had a solution. I had reached out to multiple coaches before Umar, but they did not give me any support and made me feel like I was not getting anywhere.
During the sessions with Umar, he first helped remove all my cravings for fast foods. And to my surprise, I was no longer interested in eating any junk. I became keener to eat healthy and to become the best version of myself. He helped me balance out my daily nutrition, which led to a reduction in various issues I’d had with my gut, resulting in healthier bowel movements. Since starting the plan, I have quit junk food entirely.
Soon after, we worked slowly on designing my meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since making changes to initially just my breakfast meal, I started to lose weight, my skin improved, and my hair that was thinning started to grow back stronger, surprising even my friends. He was patient to make sure that I was doing well in preparation for each meal until it became a habit for me. Umar helped me build an eating program around the foods I liked to eat while also ensuring I had a wide variety of healthy foods daily to choose from in my diet—more than I had before, actually! He helped me create a shopping list for my personalized eating plan, learn what equipment to buy, and showed me how to use it to cook my meals. Through his coaching, I learned how to cook all my own meals and not rely on processed or ready-made meals or even food made by others, which, although convenient, wasn’t always best for me.
After working with Umar, I lost 6 kilograms and am feeling healthier than ever. I have been feeling very energized, and I have not been having any cravings. The knee pain I used to have is now gone. Since I started eating more balanced meals, I feel more balanced in my emotions and moods too. Moving forward, I have a clear vision of where I am heading in my life without eating away at my frustrations anymore. For any obstacles that came up, we brainstormed solutions together to prevent them from happening again. So, now I know how to deal with the same triggers if they do happen. I’m prepared. Umar is keen to let you know that it’s not just a weight loss program; it’s really a learning program about how to eat well for your biology at a fundamental level while learning to effectively manage the curveballs that life throws at you that can knock most people out of their healthy habits. As a result of the program, I’m conscious of the triggers in the environment that used to throw me off; only now I have strategies to stop them from throwing me off my eating regime so I can stay consistent in my healthy lifestyle.
I highly recommend Umar for his high professionalism and diligence to get the best results for your weight loss-related issues.”
- Melvin Joy. Marketing Executive. Derby. The UK.