After coaching with Umar, Melvin broke free from years of yo-yo dieting, overcame emotional eating tendencies fueled by stress, and successfully lost 6kg through personalized guidance focused on mindset shifts and sustainable lifestyle changes. As a result, Melvin has reduced health issues related to being overweight, stabilized his mood, and unlocked a more vibrant, balanced lifestyle aligned with his values.


“I have lost 6kg. I have healthier hair, skin and am more energetic in my day to day life. I now eat balanced meals every day, which has led to a reduction in various issues I’d had with my gut, resulting in healthier bowel movements too.”

Melvin Joy. Software Tester. Derby. The UK.


What problems were you experiencing?

What was your problem, and when did you first realize you had it?

My problem was being overweight and eating unhealthy food excessively.

Did your problem occur suddenly or over a period of time?

I had this problem for about 8 years now.

What solutions did you try before working with Umar?

Before working with Umar I was using will power to try to resist temptations for foods and trying various healthy diets I found online.

At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?

I realised I needed extra help when I felt like I had kept on going in circles and was not really getting anywhere with my weight.

What helped your decision to work with Umar?

What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?

I had worked with Umar before and got great results with other issues. I knew he was working with clients on weight loss and healthy lifestyle coaching. This made me want help for myself. 

What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?

Trustworthy, dependable, supportive, and have credibility in their knowledge. 

Did you have any hesitations/concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?

Yes, because I had been losing hope trying everything. I felt reassured though as I knew Umar had good results as a coach. I also saw positive changes in the very early stages of the program.

Did you look at other competitors & why did you select our product & service over them?

I had consulted another health professional, but they charged me a lot of money and gave little value in the end. I just felt overloaded with their approach.

What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?

My previous positive results and experience with him. It’s very enjoyable and easy working with Umar. The value you get from him is like no one else.  All this and more made me decide to trust and work with him.

How did working with Umar help solve your problem?

What was your experience like during the session?

During the sessions, Umar was very systematic, making sure all my core beliefs were sorted before moving on to the diet and lifestyle changes.

What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?

We changed my response to stressful emotions. I stopped binge-eating junk food to relax, and we updated some of my core limiting beliefs. After that, we focused on eating a more nutrient-dense diet.

How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?

We updated my beliefs around food, changed my responses to certain food triggers, and revised my self-image. His step-by-step system of learning how to eat balanced meals took care of the rest. I changed how I see food on a daily basis. I wasn’t overwhelmed by the process and was able to learn at a pace I was comfortable with, which was unlike anything I’d experienced before with others.

What happened the moment you realised the coaching was working to solve your problem?

I felt more motivated, and my hope was restored that this problem is something that is solvable.

What did you like, find interesting or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?

Umar is really friendly, supportive, result-oriented and brings a lot of value.

How much time and stress did you save as a result?

If I came to Umar earlier I could have saved 8 years of time and a lot of stress. Working with him has helped me avoid a lifetime of struggling and time lost due to fighting with my weight.

What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?

Panic and stress from adverse health effects I was getting from my diet and lifestyle.

What results did you see?

How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?

I used to just eat food exclusively for taste only and just to fill myself up. Now food is more of a daily essential to support my mental and physical well-being in the short and long term.

How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?

Umar helped me build an eating program around the foods I liked to eat while also ensuring I had a wide variety of healthy foods daily to choose from in my diet for balance. He helped me create a shopping list for my own eating plan, know what equipment to buy, and showed me how to use it to create healthy meals for myself. We had regular check-ins, and he was available between sessions for any help if I needed it too so I felt very supported during the process.

Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?

He helped me balance out my daily nutrition, my skin and hair is healthier and I’ve also had a reduction in various issues I’d had with my gut aswell.

What positive results have you seen?

I have lost 6kg. I have healthier hair, skin and am more energetic in my day to day life. I now eat balanced meals every day which has led to a reduction in various issues I’d had with my gut, resulting in healthier bowel movements too.

Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?

I highly recommend working with Umar to help you lose weight, as he is result-oriented, supportive, friendly, brings a lot of value, and works towards your long-term well-being.