jOE COLBY’s story of how changing his sleep and wake times improved his life

Joe Colby changed from being unable to sleep or wake on time to doing both resulting in him turning around his academic life, work performance and eventually getting the job he wanted.


“I had insomnia for six years before seeing Umar. It was hard to go to bed on time, fall asleep and also get out of bed in the mornings. After working with Umar these issues have been resolved.”

Joe Colby. 18. Forex Trader. Gateshead. UK

What problems were you experiencing?

What was your problem and when did you first realize you had it?

My problem was getting to bed on time and waking up on time. This had a massive effect on my educational years and was beginning to affect my work. My sleep habits were really bad.

Did your problem occur suddenly or over a period of time?

My sleep issues began in early secondary school and deteriorated afterwards, getting worse as time went by.

What solutions did you try before working with Umar?

I had tried setting multiple alarms as well as creating a set time to go to bed and wake up but none of these were truly effective and so the problem just continued.

At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?

Before my first discussion with Umar about my problem, things were probably at their worst point. After discussing my problems with him, he made me realise how my sleep habits were actually sabotaging my ability to achieve my goal. This is when I realised how bad my habits really were and how much I needed to change them.

What helped your decision to work with Umar?

What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?

Umar spoke about how he used a structured sequence of steps to help determine which habits would need changing and that these changes were based on current sleep science research and actual measurable data from my time sleeping. We would use this information to make some of the changes required to help me reach my goal.

What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?

I honestly wasn't sure what to expect or look for at the time. I was open-minded but had questions.

Did you have any hesitations or concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?

I had slight nerves as I’d never spoken to a coach before, but Umar's relaxed and engaging temperament as well as all his knowledge made me confident he knew what he was doing so I decided to go ahead and book in my session.

Did you look at other competitors & why did you select our product & service over them?

After speaking with Umar I didn’t look at any competitors. His attitude, knowledge and character convinced me pretty quickly of his professionalism and ability to help me as a Coach.

What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?

Umar gained my trust as an authentic person and a genuine professional who knew exactly what he was doing as he had produced results in the past with other clients with the same problem.

How did working with Umar help solve your problem?

What was your experience like during the session?

Working with Umar was really interesting and at times positively mind-blowing.

What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?

He helped me quickly find and change any limiting beliefs that were preventing me from putting myself to bed and waking up on time. He also showed me some strategic mind/body routines to support me in going to bed on time and post waking up.

How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?

I was able to sleep and wake up on time. In addition, a few months after working with him I got a job in the summer where I was now able to wake up at 4:30am - 5:00am in the morning to get into work for 7:00 as well as go to sleep at 9:30PM. This was amazing because prior I was always going to bed later than 23:00 and waking up late too which had caused me to be late for Education appointments that started at 9:00am.

What happened the moment you realised the coaching was working to solve your problem?

A major shift was when he helped me find the belief that was having a huge influence on my reality that I wasn't even aware of consciously. This belief had been holding me back and was having a massive negative impact on my ability to reach my goal. 

What did you like, find interesting or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?

The amount of knowledge I learned from Umar about multiple aspects of personal development has changed my life to this day!

How much time and stress did you save as a result?

I passed my college course that year and took a job in the summer that I would not have been able to take without the ability to get up and sleep on time. After working with Umar I was able to do this!

What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?

Umar helped me eliminate my lack of belief in my ability to reach my goal as well as remove any limiting beliefs that got in the way and stopped me from reaching it.

What results did you see?

How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?

Today, I can wake up when I want to, put myself to bed on time and be punctual for any work, college or any event I need to arrive at on time.

How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?

Because I could now go to bed on time and wake up when I wanted to, I was able to make a satisfying amount of money in the summer months due to getting in on time.

Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?

After recognizing and simultaneously changing a limiting belief in one of our sessions, the very day after I immediately found more ease getting up in the morning.

What positive results have you seen?

Now, I have the ability to get up and go to sleep on time.

Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?

I definitely would! Umar will wake you up to the influence your unconscious has on your life and show you how you can change your mindset, emotions and behaviours to achieve your goals. He helped me change my life to reach my goals and can do the same for you too.