DOLORES F.C.’s story of how she overcame 30 years of imposter syndrome allowing her to finally set up her own psychotherapy practice.

Dolores' imposter syndrome issue, which she had for 30 years, was resolved via coaching with Umar. This enabled her to open her own psychotherapy practice and become the person and professional she had always desired.


“During the session, he used humor, which helped me not only to distance myself from the problem but also to gain perspective. After the sessions, I became more confident, kinder to myself, and developed a "can do" and "will do" attitude. I started working on my project to open my own business, and it is now a reality.”

Dolores F. C. Psychotherapist. Manchester. The UK.


What problems were you experiencing?

What was your problem and when did you first realize you had it?

I have been living with imposter syndrome for most of my life. This feeling that no matter how much I work at something or read about something, I am still not capable enough, not prepared enough, and if things work, they do so because of luck or because it was an easy thing to do. It is difficult to tell when it started. Thinking back, I would say the first time I was aware of this feeling was when I was 14. My teachers were very pleased with me, and on my last day at school, my headteacher told me I could achieve anything. I did not believe him. Since then, I have had other people tell me similar things throughout my life, but they did not make a dent in my belief that I was not good enough. Imposter syndrome is like a thirst you cannot quell. It has affected my confidence and I have turned down work opportunities because of it.

Did your problem occur suddenly or over a period of time?

I do not know when it started. I guess the awareness happened over time and it only dawned on me when I realized there was a name for those feelings that no matter how much I prepared, it never felt like I was good enough.

What solutions did you try before working with Umar?

I have tried reading more on the subject I wanted to learn about. I also worked hard at preparing for whatever task I had to perform. Those strategies did not work because I still felt my effort was not good enough, that there were still lots more things to learn or to prepare, and the anxiety just shot up.

At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?

I wanted to open my own business. This was very important to me, and I knew I needed to make a start because it was two years since I decided I wanted to do it, and other than reading, I had not done anything else of a practical nature to accomplish this goal.

What helped your decision to work with Umar?

What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?

I read Umar’s testimonials and spoke to him. He explained to me how he works, and he showed a depth of knowledge that I found very reassuring. His theoretical background is strong, and as a therapist, I value that.

What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?

I had never met a coach before, so I did not know what to expect. However, I found Umar very knowledgeable and very honest, and he showed a genuine interest in my problem and explained to me how he works. He was very transparent with everything.

Did you have any hesitations/concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?

I did not have any hesitations or concerns. After speaking with Umar, and he explained to me how he works, I was fine and happy to have the sessions.

Did you look at other competitors & why did you select our product & service over them?

I did not look at other competitors. I visited his website and read his credentials and testimonials. On top of that, I spoke to him, and I could see he has a depth of knowledge that is hard to find.

What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?

When talking with him, he is a genuine person, caring and respectful. He is also very good at his job!

How did working with Umar help solve your problem?

What was your experience like during the session?

I felt very relaxed.

What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?

He showed me a different way to see and reframe my problem. I realized I was looking at a problem as the problem, rather than at how to make things better and how to work with my critical self in a way that was no longer self-defeating.

How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?

During the session, he used humor, which helped me not only to distance myself from the problem but also to gain perspective. After the sessions, I became more confident, kinder to myself, and developed a "can do" and "will do" attitude. I started working on my project to open my own business, and it is now a reality.

What happened the moment you realized the coaching was working to solve your problem?

It has given me confidence and I am kinder to myself. It has helped me to achieve the goal of opening my own practice, and even when there were difficulties along this road, I persisted in my goal. I would have given up before.

What did you like, find interesting, or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?

Umar is an expert in coaching, very knowledgeable, and that gave me confidence he could help me. Through the process, what helped me apart from that he knew how to work with my problem was his use of humor as a therapeutic tool and the way he helped me manage my anxiety-producing thoughts using several exercises. This helped me to control the anxiety. He finally helped me to change my critical internal self-talk in a way that focused on the positives and moving forward.

How much time and stress did you save as a result?

Coaching with Umar has saved me from continuing frustration and has helped me deal with stress in ways I was not able to do before. Now stress does not stop me from doing things I want to do, and it has saved me lots of time because I do not procrastinate like I used to do in the past. I am more organized now. I don’t want to leave things for the last minute or feel like I want to give up doing something because of internal negative thoughts.

What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?

Procrastinating was a big stressor; giving up on doing something because of fear of not being good enough was a major cause of disappointment in myself; worrying too much about doing something rather than doing it and learning to do something was very upsetting for me.

What results did you see?

How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?

I am doing things. I am learning to do things and implementing my learning. It does not need to be perfect, it has to be good enough, and I know I can always do things better, but the important thing is to start doing them. This has been a big learning point, and I go back to this when I find something difficult.

How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?

Umar thought I could change, despite me being a bit more reserved about my possibilities of success. After all, I had lived with this problem forever! The techniques he used were very helpful!

Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?

I kept going with preparing to open my own business, despite difficulties and several setbacks. In the past, I would have given up. The big difference now is that I do not do that anymore. A huge difference!

What positive results have you seen?

I have opened my own business and I would not have had the confidence to do so back then or without his help.

Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?

I would hugely recommend working with Umar because of his extensive knowledge, professionalism, firm belief that people can overcome their problems, and patience.