DANIEL ISAKSsON’s story of transforming his fear of failure into self-confidence!
Daniel Isaksson learned to let go of his fear of failure resulting in a greater feeling of self-confidence, calmness, peace, happiness, control and a renewed optimism about his future.
“Receiving the tools from Umar to repair the inner part of me that was so scared of failing has not only made me feel much less afraid, it has also changed my entire outlook on life.”
Daniel Isaksson. 34. Data Specialist. Financial Services. Manchester. UK
What problems were you experiencing?
What was your problem and when did you first realize you had it?
I was afraid of failure and was getting anxiety over failing at tasks, including even normal daily tasks such as cooking. I had always tried doing my all not to fail, and I’d had it for as long as I could remember.
Did your problem occur suddenly or over a period of time?
It had been there for as long as I could remember.
What solutions did you try before working with Umar?
Nothing really. I just waited for the anxiety to go away.
At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?
When I heard about my friend’s experience with NLP from Umar.
What helped your decision to work with Umar?
What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?
None. I was told about Umar from a friend.
What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?
Someone who listens takes things seriously and builds good rapport with me. And also someone I feel I can trust telling about my issue.
Did you have any hesitations/concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?
I didn’t have any hesitations or concerns.
Did you look at other competitors & why did you select our product & service over them?
I didn’t look at any competitors as I had never thought of fixing the issue before until hearing about my friend’s experience coaching with Umar.
What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?
After hearing from my friend how good the results were that she had gotten by coaching with Umar, and after the initial call with him, I was sure I wanted to proceed with the sessions.
How did working with Umar help solve your problem?
What was your experience like during the session?
Umar was patient and a very good listener to the issue I had at hand. I felt that throughout the sessions he gave very clear and understandable instructions regarding each step of the process. He was good to steer back to the topic when I managed to drift away into something else in the conversations. I felt really quick that I didn’t have to be nervous or be judged.
What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?
Through the NLP sessions, we untangled the reasons as to why I was afraid of failing by working with my unconscious mind using the techniques he guided me through.
How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?
Firstly, by helping me understand what the root cause behind me having the issue was. and secondly, working towards getting rid of the issue by asking various questions that made the issue seem actually very silly.
What happened the moment you realised the coaching was working to solve your problem?
I felt very happy and ready to take on the world with a new perspective! I also felt a sense of calm had washed all over me.
What did you like, find interesting or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?
I loved every moment of it! Everything was beneficial and interesting.
How much time and stress did you save as a result?
I think I save a lot of time by not worrying about failing when taking on new tasks. I take all things more lightly than before. The stressful anxiety is no longer an issue.
What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?
It eliminated my anxiety.
What results did you see?
How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?
So much better! Now I see new tasks in a different light than before. Even if I’m not certain I’ll succeed in an area, I don’t worry about the outcome beforehand. And even if I do fail, I don’t take it as a failure but instead as a basic mistake that can be fixed and something to learn from.
How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?
By helping me learn what my inner feelings can do for myself to manage change.
Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?
Yes. As an example, when I cook and do not succeed with the dish, I don’t take it to heart but instead learn from it and enjoy the experience much more.
What positive results have you seen?
Now, I feel like I can do more and take on new things in life without the fear of failing nagging in the background. I feel more confident and relaxed.
Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?
Absolutely, no question! He really helps by bringing out all the amazing tools that we already have within us to solve problems. He understands what NLP tools he needs to use and checks back with you on the progress to make sure you’re staying on the right path to get a resolution of the problem.