“I came to see Umar at a time when I was confused about my career direction. I wanted help reducing the ‘noise’ in my life so I could understand what I needed to do next and get it done quickly. I wanted immediate strategic advice to help me gain clarity on what I really wanted and to start taking immediate steps in the right direction. In one session, using his unique and effective coaching methodology (he combines traditional coaching strategies with cutting edge Neuro linguistic programming techniques) I was able to very quickly and ‘intuitively’ realise what my next steps should be and craft a plan to help achieve it using his guidance and the feedback of my unconscious mind. The entire process was simple, organic, fun, felt natural and was an extremely powerful and effective experience for me. In a single session I learned what my next steps needed to be in great detail and also when I needed to take them by in order to achieve my goal. Now, I can say with certainty that I am moving onto the next stage in my career with a precision I didn’t have before thanks to his help.
Umar is an eloquent speaker, excellent coach, mentor and a gifted communicator. He is extremely knowledgeable in so many areas and is clearly a determined and focused individual. He produces results for his clients with no time wasted as he did with me in just one session. He has a never-ending thirst for knowledge and in addition his spirit for shared learning and collaboration is incredible!
He has high levels of emotional intelligence and is continually upgrading and evolving himself to the benefit of his clients, colleagues and anyone that he comes into contact with.
His business acumen, management and communication skills are an asset to any role he puts his hand to. He has vast experience providing his services to individuals and entrepreneurs internationally as well as being involved with and supporting multiple charitable organisations around the world.
It is a true pleasure to know him and benefit from his highly unique background, skills and training! I highly recommend him to anyone on LinkedIn needing support in a personal or professional capacity.”
- Sam Achagra, Business Support Officer.
“I spoke to Umar about my rising feelings of overwhelm and anxiety when I thought about my career and future prospects. Umar helped me find clarity and direction by encouraging me to unpack my dominant thought processes and deep-rooted beliefs. With his practical, insightful, no-nonsense approach to coaching, I was able to switch my perspective and find solutions in the most unlikely places. I was most impressed with Umar’s wealth of knowledge and his mastery of high-level NLP techniques, allowing him to guide me to a favourable outcome with ease. Thanks to his coaching I have managed to attract more clients to my tutoring business, find myself a nutritionist for my fitness journey and become more focused on my goals while managing a busy and demanding role as a secondary school teacher.”
- Roi Campbell QTS BSc (Hons), English Teacher.
“I never thought I would be using NLP to find a career path or at least steer me in the right direction. Boy was I wrong!
After the career coaching session with Umar, I’ve received my dreams back. You know, those dreams we had when we were kids? The dreams where we could become anything we wanted. Where the sky was the limit. In my life those dreams had faded away, year after year, until I didn’t have much left of what I initially wanted when I was young.
I’ve always been employed and always been working for someone. Working for someone else’s dreams. And somewhere along the way I lost myself, not knowing what I wanted or what career I wanted to be striving for.
Don’t get me wrong. Working and being employed is alright and I don’t mind doing that. But the way I felt stuck in my career was stopping me from seeing any way to move forward or feel accomplished.
Umar helped me connect with my unconscious where I had all the answers to what I like doing and what I would like to do. I gained an understanding of myself again; a part of me that has been long forgotten - the love to be creative. But this creativeness had been blocked by me, and my laziness, for so many years because I never really needed it in my day to day life.
With the sessions I found out that I need to do something stimulating and found a career path I intend to follow. And I’ve been following this plan for the past few weeks now.
My unconscious let me know that in order to reach whatever goal I eventually wanted to aim for, I needed to write down all, and I mean all ideas that popped into my head. I’ve actually done this now. My notebook now has pages and pages of notes and ideas. And while coming up with new ones I’m working steadfast on my own brand-new project. I’m excited to see the fruition of the work one day soon and hope to be able to call this my day job instead.
This has been the most surreal and best experience working with Umar. After the session with him I’ve found a new fire within me. A desire to want something more. I feel more alive than I have done in years and it feels like I’ve turned the clock back 10-15 years & recaptured a source of energy I’d previously lost.
I can report that I’m still at my current job which is fine for now because the project I’m working on is advancing at a steady pace and I’m learning something new every day. The future is truly exciting!
If you have any difficulty determining what you would like to do as a career or are thinking about changing your current one but aren’t sure what to do, I highly recommend working with Umar as your next step to find out! “
- Daniel Isaksson, 34, Data Specialist, Bureau van Dijk, Manchester, UK.
“I had a coaching session with Omar to help my career focus and the emotional roller coasters that I was experiencing at work. Before I had the session, I could not work out what I needed to do to move forward. He listened very attentively and asked perceptive and at times direct questions that got to the heart of the matter in no time. During the session, I had a couple of very useful 'aha' moments, could see my own flawed thinking and what I needed to do to move forward. He has helped me to understand my work-related values and my own mindset flaws. We have depicted what were my weaknesses and what I could do to improve those. I went away feeling much clearer, more confident, and ready to act. As a result of the session I was able to make more informed decisions of what I wanted to do next and help me to plan my next career move.”
- A.S., 24, Corporate Action Specialist, AJ Bell, Manchester, UK
‘I have wanted to gain clarity and vision regarding my future career for a while now and working with Umar has given me that clarity to pursue my deepest inner goals career-wise. Before the session, I was very lost in terms of career direction after having just graduated from my undergraduate degree in biology, and even beforehand during my undergraduate years, so I thought it would be best to work with Umar to attain that level of clarity that one can only hope to possess when they’re clear and set on their direction to achieve their utmost important goals.
I found the process of his sessions to be very introspective and I hadn’t realized how many possibilities that my mind (unconscious) could come up with. Soon, I was able to narrow down my direction to my deepest-most interests and was able to come up with a solution that suited all my values and also, at the same time, came to a compromise that allowed me to pursue all my coveted goals.
Now, I have a clearer vision than ever of what I want to pursue and to achieve, with plans on executing those goals step by step, as Umar had shown me. I know that with this new knowledge in mind, I will be able to focus more clearly on my goals immediately and with more momentum than ever before. Umar has definitely been the greatest asset to me in terms of helping me narrow down and clarify my goals and find my ultimate career direction. He is such a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend him for anyone seeking to clarify their career direction – you won’t regret it!! Thank you so much Umar!!’
- Maria Tolymbek BSc, 22, Laboratory Research Assistant, Ottawa, Canada
Ever since I can remember, I have found it difficult to understand what I really wanted in life, especially being born into a household where it was almost like my life was scripted already. I went to see Umar because I wanted help determining what I wanted to do in my career, something I could love to do every day in a way that I would feel 100% authentically myself.
Before having the session with Umar, I am not going to lie, I made life hard for myself, thinking to myself everything in life had to be complicated and that l would need to be equally as complex to solve my problems and to make life easier for myself. What I realised from Umar’s session is that our lives can be complex and hard sometimes but the solutions don’t always have to be. They can actually be straightforward and maybe even enjoyable sometimes when solving our problems.
I had worked with four coaches before coming to Umar. All four cared more about their business than helping me with my specific problems. All of them had courses that I had to pay for, and afterwards, after going through it, I felt like nothing had changed. Umar helps others because he genuinely wants to make a difference in the world. How can I tell? It comes through his character as a person and his quality of service to regularly check in with his clients to see how they are doing.
Now I know clearly that I want to create a You Tube channel, where I can express myself and help put my message across to the world through my personal vision as I see it. I see the end goal, but I also know that I have to take small steps at a time to reach it and be patient.
I am grateful for the support that Umar has given me, and I urge everyone who needs help choosing the right career for them to work with him as I believe it will help you find clarity in an age of endless information and over thinking.
- Melvin Joy, 24, Clerical Worker, Derby, UK