After coaching with Umar, H.J. overcame his cravings for kebabs, crisps, chocolates, and pizza, conquered his junk food addiction, and began to achieve his health and fitness goals. Through our personalized coaching approach, he developed a sustainable and positive relationship with food. As a result, H.J. has increased his overall confidence and happiness, now regularly cycling, walking, and working out, unlocking his full potential for a healthier, happier lifestyle.
“I stopped having any cravings for the same junk foods and haven’t eaten any of them since. I feel quite comfortable too. It hasn’t been challenging as you might expect which may seem weird!”
H.J. I.T. Support. Manchester. The UK.
What problems were you experiencing?
What was your problem, and when did you first realize you had it?
I was regularly eating quite a lot of junk food, specially kebabs, crisps, chocolates and pizza during the week at certain times. I knew it wasn’t helping me feel any better and was contributing to my weight gain and making things worse for myself, health wise.
Did your problem occur suddenly or over a period of time?
It gradually had increased over time over the space of about 2 years despite my efforts to stop the bad habit.
What solutions did you try before working with Umar?
Before working with Umar I had tried different diets and try to cut back on eating them but the weight would always come back, leading to a constant hunger and cravings. I’d also tried to increase my walking and cycling to see if this helped.
At what point did you decide you needed outside assistance?
I realised I needed outside help when I was becoming regularly tired, experiencing more stress, anxiety and my weight was increasing which was quite alarming to say the least.
What helped your decision to work with Umar?
What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision?
I had worked with Umar before and he had helped me eliminate my interview anxiety resulting in me getting the job I wanted. When I heard he was helping people with their weight loss and read the testimonial on his website, spoke with him and decided to sign up and get the help I needed from him.
What criteria did you have when you were looking for a Coach?
It was simpler than that. I’d worked with Umar before on a breadth of issues and trust him and his services as he had a proven track record of successful outcomes with his clients.
Did you have any hesitations/concerns beforehand & how were they alleviated?
There was no other choice for me. I wasn’t looking to work with anyone else. You just have to look at his website and the many client stories if you need convincing. He has an effective approach with his clients.
What finally made you decide to trust & work with Umar?
He has a proven track record and is a very amiable, knowledgeable and professional person.
How did working with Umar help solve your problem?
What was your experience like during the session?
Working with Umar was interesting. Working with him made me aware of the specific triggers that made me eat the food that I wanted to stop eating. I also discovered what it was doing for me by eating these foods. We then found new ways to meet the same needs and did a process to change my automated responses to the same triggers to send me a much healthier direction in my thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards my ideal future. During this process I could see a clear road ahead finally and realised that my obstacles were not insurmountable any more.
What did Umar do that helped solve your problem?
Umar's approach involved teaching my brain new responses to the old triggers using an NLP approach. This worked very quickly and I felt and noticed results almost immediately just in terms of my thoughts and feelings towards the same triggers. The technique itself was very quick too which was interesting. This changed my thoughts and feelings towards my old behaviour in quite a dramatic fashion. It seemed ridiculous and almost laughable to keep doing what I used to do moving forward when I had much better options available now.
How did coaching with Umar help solve your problem?
It changed my natural response to the same triggers that used to make me eat the junk food. Now I no longer felt any urge and actually an aversion to eating the junk foods I used to. It felt much better to make healthier choices instead of what I used to do. It gave me a much healthier focus for my life and my thinking towards my health long term.
What happened the moment you realised the coaching was working to solve your problem?
My attitude towards the triggers that made me eat the junk foods lightened up and I had a reduced urge to eat the same foods. This just got stronger to the point where I had no desire to consume the foods anymore and it seemed ridiculous to do so. It was quite a profound shift from the start of the session where I felt sort of locked in to eating the same foods.
What did you like, find interesting or beneficial about the process of working with Umar?
Umar has a gentle and positive approach but he makes the session fun as well so there are quite light yet progress is made. He also provides support over whatsapp between sessions which is great as you feel supported in between sessions which obviously helps if you have any questions or follow up queries and he’s always happy to help that way too. Besides the work in session, I just enjoyed discussing relevant topics and plans for further improvements or changes as and when they were required.
How much time and stress did you save as a result?
Given how much time I had tried to solve the problem myself and how fast Umar helped me shift the issue I saved a lot!
What Stressors did working with Umar eliminate?
I thought the solution might be more complicated to be honest but in my case using NLP helped me resolve the issue very quickly! Umar did explain the science around cravings from a nutritional science perspective explaining different approaches to help reduce cravings though after doing NLP it resolved the issue immediately.
What results did you see?
How much is life better in the areas where you used to have the problem compared to where you were before working with Umar?
Before, I was regularly tired, experienced stress/anxiety and my weight was increasing. Now since my cravings for those foods were gone, I could now see a light at the end of the tunnel and feel so much better. Moreover, I’m much more positive now and it’s allowed me to think clearly about other issues in my life helping me have a better work life balance.
How did Umar help you reach your goal(s)?
Umar played a critical role in helping me reach my goals by helping me eliminate my cravings. His guidance and support enabled me to develop alternative ways of meeting the same needs the junk food was doing for me. His coaching, advice, and positive feedback really helped me change my relationship with food a lot!
Did you see any significant jumps in your experience after working with Umar?
Yes. I stopped having any cravings for the same junk foods and haven’t eaten any of them since. I feel quite comfortable too. It hasn’t been challenging as you might expect which may seem weird!
What positive results have you seen?
Besides what I’ve mentioned, I’m now Cycling and Walking a lot more and my gym workouts have returned after a long time. It’s refired my interest in completing a Triathlon and I’ve started back on my CrossFit routines, albeit there is a journey here with triathlon and crossfit goals.
Would you recommend working with Umar for this issue or any other issues & why?
Of course! Would definitely recommend working with Umar. I have also seen he has a great ability to work with people of all backgrounds and takes a real active interest in their wellbeing.